Inlays and Onlays


Inlays and Onlays

When a filling is no longer possible and a crown isn’t needed yet, use inlays and onlays to combat early signs of tooth decay.

Inlays and Onlays benefits

Beautiful smile

Inlays and onlays blend seamlessly with natural teeth.

Long-lasting solution

We use durable materials to provide a reliable, long-lasting solution to damaged teeth.

Preserve tooth structure

Less healthy tooth structure removal; important for strength and integrity of the tooth.

What are Inlays and Onlays?

Inlays and onlays are dental restorations that are recommended when fillings aren’t possible, but the tooth isn’t bad enough for crowns. Custom-made in dental labs, inlays fit within the tooth's biting surface, while onlays cover a larger area. They treat tooth decay, reduce sensitivity, and preserve more of the tooth than fillings, strengthening it by up to 75%. 

How it works


Consultation and preparation.

An exam or consultation will determine if inlays or onlays are suitable options, before teeth are prepared for treatment.


Dental impressions.

Dental impressions are taken of the teeth to create the inlay or onlay.


Inlay or onlay created.

Impressions go to a dental lab, where skilled technicians craft your custom inlay or onlay.


Temporary restoration.

Custom inlay or onlays can take time, a temporary fit may be applied during the wait.


Placement of inlay or onlay.

The inlay or onlay is bonded or cemented to restore the tooth. Brush, floss, and attend regular check-ups as normal.

A word from our patients

We always want to make sure our patients have an exceptional experience and leave our practices with happy smiles. Here are some of our most recent success stories.

The service I received at Rodericks Dental Partners was amazing. They were there for me every step of the way and eased my worries.


What is the difference between fillings, inlays and onlays?

Fillings, inlays and onlays are all used to combat early signs of tooth decay. While a white filling is made from a composite resin material that can be moulded to fill a cavity, inlays and onlays are custom-made restorations that are bonded over the top of the existing tooth. An inlay is placed inside the edges of the tooth, while an onlay sits over the top of the tooth.

What is the difference between inlays/onlays and crowns?

Because inlays and onlays are designed to treat the earlier stages of tooth decay, there is typically less preparation treatment required than for a crown.

How are inlays and onlays applied?

Like crowns, inlays and onlays require the patient to provide a dental impression, which is sent to a dental technician who creates a tailor-made ‘tooth’. Patients receive a temporary filling in-between dental appointments. When the inlay or onlay is ready, your dentist will permanently bond it into place.

How long do inlays and onlays last?

Typically, inlays and onlays are more durable than fillings and can last as long as 10 years or more.

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