Revolutionary teeth straightening with Invisalign, advanced clear aligners.
Invisalign benefits
Fast acting
Achieve a beautifully straight smiles in as little as 6-9 months – faster than fixed braces.
Almost invisible treatment
Discreet aligner system avoiding the appearance of traditional train-track style braces.
What is Invisalign?
How it works
A word from our patients
We always want to make sure our patients have an exceptional experience and leave our practices with happy smiles. Here are some of our most recent success stories.
I have spent 18 months having Invisalign at this dentist. Mine was a complex case and from the outset the dentist managed my expectations and was clear it would possibly take that long. Thrilled with the final result.
How long does Invisalign take to straighten teeth?
On average, an Invisalign case will take between 6-9 months to straighten teeth, however this can differ depending on the complexity of the case and your requirements. At your Invisalign consultation, your Invisalign doctor will give an idea of how long they believe your treatment will take.
Will Invisalign work for me?
The intra-oral scan that is completed before starting your treatment will indicate to your Invisalign Doctor if Invisalign treatment would be suitable based on your individual case and deliver the outcome you desire. Throughout your treatment, you will attend appointments so your Invisalign Doctor can ensure everything is progressing as it should. This allows them to adjust the treatment if needed.
When should I look at alternative straightening/treatment options?
Some patients may not be suitable for Invisalign and your Invisalign doctor will be able to suggest alternative treatments if this is the case.
What changes to my diet/lifestyle should I expect with Invisalign?
With Invisalign, you are required to wear the aligners for 22 hours per day – only taking them out to eat and drink (excluding water). You will still be able to enjoy all your favourite food and drinks, however it is important to brush your teeth before putting your aligners back in as the sugar build up can lead to high chances of decay. It is also advised that patients do not smoke whilst undergoing their Invisalign treatment.
Is Invisalign painful? / Is Invisalign comfortable?
Some people will feel a little discomfort when they change their aligners, but for most people this is temporary as their teeth adjust to the new set of aligners. If the discomfort lasts for longer than a few days, contact your Invisalign Doctor.
Will Invisalign affect my speech / change my face?
Most people report no effect on speech. However, as with traditional orthodontics, there’s an initial adjustment period to having something new on your teeth.